Some thoughts about The Kingdom of G-d

This unique opportunity for everybody to make his or her last hour shine, as described above, may be realized everywhere on our globe. Yet not anywhere, but solely inside the Kingdom of the Living G-d, aka the owner of the vineyard (as we will learn later on). As this Kingdom is neither perceivable with human means, nor anywhere defined, there are many opinions and speculations about it. To these I do not want to add just another more. Rather I'd like to look at it from the perspective of a social worker. The main occupation of a social worker is not, as some may assume, to know things better, but what he or she really should try to do in the first place is to obtain for him- or herself a general overview about the field, or area, where frictions and fractions show up. This happens the better, the more everybody involved is directly addressed. All informations and opinions should be obtained from first hand and not from others. Then the social worker may try to evaluate the characters and traditions of all parties taking part and detect their connections with each other. With all those looking out for an ame-lioration of the present state he then should try to develop a working solution. He does not possess this solution for himself, but he may show, according to his insight of all people and forces involved, and with a general assent, not only a way out but a way towards a true reduction of these frictions and fractions. 

As told elsewhere the Kingdom of G-d mainly is HIM, and HIM working. So if you want to come nearer to HIM, it may be useful to know something more about HIM and HIS working. About HIM you may possibly find something in 'HE'. About HIS working in 'These Are Four Mighty Miracles In Our Times'.

For My Life

A Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father

As I look at my life I'm overwhel-med by it's fullness and beauty. Thank you very much for provi-ding me with this wonderful gift.

Yet as I dare to take a closer look there are also some parts from which I wish they would not be there, but they are here and can not be removed by anybody.

And there is this large blanket of forgetfulness covering a big heap of things that have happened but that I do not remember and I do not want to be remembered.

Everything that has happened unto now, known and unknown, worth of being remembered and wished to be kept in forgetful-ness, belongs to me and my life. This life which You have most graciously granted me to live al-ready here on earth in the near-ness to You. As a member of Your people and as a co-builder and tenant in Your house.  

However how little did I use my life to come truely near to You. 

Instead I was busy with all kinds of nuissance. In my everyday ac-tions I have very seldomly con-fessed You as the Creator and Sustainer of my life. 

Inside of Thy chosen people I ea-gerly took part in digging tren-ches.  To separate instead of lay-ing out ways to meet in peace. 

And in Your house I did behave as I was its owner.  

Everything that has happened is a part of my life and cannot be re-moved. Yet I deeply regret every fault and failure. And  I want to ask you not only for an improve-ment but, as King David has al-ready pleaded, for a new heart and a certain spirit.

Please let me live my life from now on in a blessed nearness to You. Without hindrances and se-clusion. You are my true Father, and I am Your loving child, like You are the true Father for all of your children, that are named af-ter and chosen by You.

In the Name of Yeshua Ha Mosiach  I ask You to grant me this plea.

Thank you Father for listening to and for answering my prayer.

A chapter from


What was the motivation for the working of Jesus during His earthly days? As a motivation of someones stance and actions is always a matter of interpretation from those outside from him or her, I'd like to share with you my assumption about the motivation that I suppose to have been the force behind His working .

According to the Gospel of St. John Jesus once told His disciple Philip "he that hath seen me hath seen the Father". If you want you can deduce from this, that Jesus in the first place wanted to make HIM perceivable for every man and woman by His preaching, healing and working miracles.

(This approach to the working of Jesus here on earth is certainly worth of a consideration in depth of its own, but this is not our task here. Perhaps we will resume this topic somewhere and some time else.)

And why wanted Jesus to make HIM known? Because, although HE has created the whole world and upholds it since, HE in HIS generousity and meekness has stepped back from HIS work. Not to leave it, G-d forbid, but to give those inhabiting it, the unique chance to look out for HIM and even to find HIM.

But where is HE to be found? In the lives of everyone belonging to HIS people and their common house on HIS earth.

Yet unluckily this attitude is not always perceivable in them. And so HE often seems to be the great unknown. For the one reason however to be searched and found.

If you (hopefully) are one of those with this yearning to make HIM better known and perceived, per-haps some of my considerations about and experiences with HIM during the past years, collected in twenty-seven chapters will be helpful for you.

continue with "HE"

A chapter from 

"These Are Four
Mighty Miracles
In Our Times"

Why did HE create the universe with its powers and our globe therein and our world thereon anyhow?

That HE might have a certain room to work. This globe is HIS workshop. Yet as HE is very meek and has a very reserved charac-ter (otherwise how could HE be so patient with us?) it may seem that HE does not work at all.

But HE really and truely does. Please read "These Are Four Mighty Miracles In Our Times" if you should be in doubt about that. 

continue with "These Are Four Mighty Miracles In Our Times"


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to 'Make The Last
Hour Shine'

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