"These Are Four Mighty Miracles In Our Times"

24 Sketches about HIS ongoing working here on earth


Chapter 1

How many miracles do you know? Before you start counting please take into consideration what miracles are. We deem them to be the classification of something that we may describe up to a certain degree with our human means but are not able to explain them in full and in their depths. So there are indeed really a lot of miracles. More than we can count, even if we tried. Just look around. Much more are there than you can ever perceive. Miracles in all sizes and shapes. Yet four of them are the most outstanding and the very greatest. Two of them are evergreens so to say, they are here since a very very very and a very long time. The other two only appeared later on.

In addition to those two miracles already existing and working since time began and since humanity started, in our present times two more are showing up who are likewise very impressive when looking at and thinking about them. So there are four miracles altogether. None of them is petrified to serve merely as a piece of an exhibition. But every miracle in its unique way is still very active and developing. 

Each as a single miracle and all together as a combination of four influence our lives in a decisive manner that can not be overestimated. The most obvious of these four miracles is at the same time the oldest one. Nobody knows how old it really is. Only assumptions are possible. And those are beyond our common human experience. Or do you know anybody who can count up to thirteen or fourteen billion years? This number presently is held as the age of the universe. Anyhow how old it really is, it undoubtedly is here and we all live inside of it. Though no human being can know its age, G-d does. Because HE made it come into existence. And so HE knows, contrary to us human beings, living in it, not only its age, but in addition all the secrets we are trying eagerly to reveal. 

HE could of course have attached to the universe for our sake a kind of manual explaining the general functions and revealing its purpose and aim to us. But HE has not done so. Not because HE wants to keep us inside of this wonderful universe as mere spectators who are nothing but impressed, but HE wants us to use our brains trying hard to detect this wonderful universe and its innate powers. 

When giving us this gigantic device as a puzzle HE does not want us to solve it merely as a technical issue. Rather HE has provi-ded us with the ability to experience joy and gladness that will only come to us (at least temporarily) after we have discovered something new by our own efforts. Not really new for HIM, but new for us.

And so we are busy since millennia. But we do not restrict ourselves to detect this universe and its mysteries. We are moreover seeking to decipher in it this thing we have du-bed 'world formula', we assume to be the underlying physical compilation for everything in our world to exist. 

Not just for fun we are looking for it, but because we most eagerly want to reign over the whole universe in general and especially over our own human world therein. To do so unbridled we desperately need this ‚world formula‘ as a kind of eternal fuel for our human sovereignity. But we never will find it. For various reasons, we can not discuss here. Simply put however, because it does not exist. But luckily we can discover someone much greater and incomparable mightier than this non-existing formula: HIM. And To HIM we may even come near. HE, The Creator of the universe, HIMself. 

If we want to. 

But HE is not perceivable like the universe. And so using nothing but our senses and brainpower is not enough to come to HIM, to G-d HIMself. Yet HE practices no coercion of any kind upon us that would force us to come near to HIM. We can stay aside or even far off from HIM, if we want to, and keep ourselves busy our whole life long with all kind of odds and things, looking at the universe and looking at us without even taking HIM into further considerations. 

And so here they are: The universe and we. We and the universe. Two very great miracles. Both are strikingly similar and at the same time very different. With one definite accordance. Both seemingly don't need G-d. Because apparently they exist accor-ding to their own, innate rules and powers. However they emanate into two distinct structures. 

With the most decisive difference that the universe lacks this thing we call consciousness, that could make it aware of its way of functioning. This consciousness seems to linger only in this, compared with the universe very, very very small miracle, called human being. Only this miracle can look and reason. Look at itself, and look at the universe we all are living inside. And thereby reasoning what this thing we call human life really is and how to make the best of it.

The universe with its innate power and structure that, if we decide to live without G-d, nobody fully knows and nobody seems able to harrass. So it keeps on moving, expanding uninterruptedly. Borders? Hesitations? Not for the universe. Everything lying in its way it draws in. Like a big cosmic vacuum cleaner. But there’s no bag inside of it where materia like big or small stars or human bodies and their lives could be stored. Nothing is kept. Everything the universe gets hold of is transformed. To some-thing else. The universe. A big steady move and mover. And a tremendous incessant alteration, rotation and fluctuation. With an aim that can neither be seen nor guessed nor calculated. 

© h. w.   A. D. 2024   C. M. 5784

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