Some More Thoughts About The Kingdom of G-d

 First of all: The most important feature:                The Kingdom of G-d is HIS and not ours

When is the notion of the Kingdom of G-d mentioned for the first time in the Bible? I must confess I don't know. But I know when it was power-fully introduced. (It must already have been there since centuries, but it appeared not in full, rather it behaved like a bunch of tributaries, that floated beneath the surface of the earth to suddenly appear as a mighty well or fountain. Perhaps some theologians or historians will be inte-rested to detect this hidden ways.) I however will start when it suddenly appears as a bright and might well, gushing out the water of life. And this mighty Kingdom of G-d is linked inseprably with one name: Yeshua ha Notzri. And as this Kingdom of G-d grew and became mightier and mightier, by the devotion and work of this one, Yeshua eventually was not only declared as the Son of G-d, but also as ha Moshiach.


to be continued




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