Something about me

Up to some years ago I have worked, for decades, as a social worker in the public administra-tion. During that time a lot of ex-periences came up, friendly and unfriendly, from which I could draw some conclusions. As these offered on the administrative level only little positive aspects and perspectives, I looked out for something true and encouraging aside and elsewhere.

And luckily I did find something. And not only anything. I hap-pened to discover the Kingdom of G-d. As it is not something to be available within of our com-mon human means, yet very tan-gible if you permit it to come near to you, it took years for me to let it enter, with its very own reality, my life. During this time I even-tually learned that the Kingdom of G-d is neither an old-fashioned notion nor a fiction. It is true and real. And not at all restricted to human perception and under-standing. Some of the findings I have made I'd like to share here with you. But in no way I want to persuade you to believe some-thing. But perhaps you can take my writings as an helpful ex-citation for your decision to make the Kingdom of G-down coming near to you too.

A brief summary of the Kingdom of G-d in my own words: It is HIS working in HIS Creation and there especially inside of our human world.

As my writings will contain HIS name, as well as other sacred wordings, I ask you to not discard or deface it.


My name is Helmut Weinreich

I'm 69 years old. Together with my wife I live near the Lake of Constance.






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