How so? Just keep on the right track. And if you should be on a wrong one seize a fitting opportunity, as soon as it will be offered, and take a turn then to the other side.

 But what are opportunities? Bright glimpses of hope suddenly shining up in the dark. How to let them be more than a fleeting fata morgana? Just by making them real! However there is always something necessary from your side. 

Namely your readiness to change your present situation, if necessary, perhaps your habits too, and sometimes even your whole life. May I give you some more details:

Without changes no living being can exist. Just look at yourself. Billions and billions of various body-cells inside of you are, unnoticed by anybody, very busy to keep them alive. And they do that while they perpetually are taking something useful and new in while putting old and overused things out. Only when doing so permanently they are able to keep their form and function. And moreover everyone of them does not only keep itself going. All together they thus keep you, as the one who is made out of them, alive. So do not be afraid of changes. They are not only necessary, they are vital. On all levels of our lives. The important thing however is to do them wisely and smart.

Making changes effectively means to put something fresh and useful in after having put out old and overused items that have become a debilitating ballast.

Keeping this in mind you can make your changes smart, approbiate and helpful. So let's change indeed. Effectively and diligently. Therefore we never have to ask when changes may be necessary. They always are. But to avoid a turmoil of never ending alterations exhausting even the strongest characters we have to apply them only according to their im-portance and not for fun or out of boredom. Their implementation de-pends mainly on how you have answered the four basic questions of your life:

- Where do I come from?

- What am I doing here?

- Where am I heading for?

- Whom do I trust?

If you have given yourself for each of these questions a definite and satisfying answer the necessary changes you have to accomplish may serve as a kind of finetuning. Because with your four valid answers you have set up a firm ground for yourself where you can act and build upon. (If you should need some additional help or support for your finetuning there are a lot of offers on the worldwidemarket, however more or less reliable, to meet your purposes.)

But what do you want to do if you are not quite sure whether you have answered these four essential questions in a satisfactory way? Maybe you have been asking them your whole life long without finding a definite answer. Or you had been for some time been fully convinced to move on a solid ground, without little or even no doubts. Then however there was a sudden blow and now you ask yourself again and again how to gain or to regain the confidence to be on the right track.

In both cases perhaps some thoughts and considerations from one who is well acquainted with similar situations may be helpful for you. If so, you are invited to take a closer look at some reflections on this topic. Yet with my thoughts and opinions I do not want to influence or persuade you. Neither to make you come to prefabricated conclusions nor to act in a special way.

It is always you and only you who fully decides what to do and what to let. This includes what you want to think, which conclusions you want to draw and what you want to refrain from. With my writings I therefore never intend to interfere with your human sovereignty. But perhaps my considerations may be like a solid wall for you against which you can reliably lean with your back to look out from there over the wide space that lies ahead of you when trying to rearrange your personal thoughts and emotions that may somehow have become entangled. I have myself have experienced various situations of uncertainty for decades. And it increasingly became even worse as I had to realize that the aims I had set up for my life I could never reach because I had estimated my powers wrongly. So what to do? Although I could not get out of this fix I'm really happy to have been granted with a true relief. 

Not by myself and by my own efforts. Someone most graciously saved me. And not only someone. HE HIMself. HE took me out of the ditch of despair and depression and put me on a solid rock where I'm standing now to arrange for the first time in my life my thoughts and emotions freely.

Now you certainly will ask who HE is.

HE is the ONE whose help and redemption I have experienced. HE is HE. The ONE and only G-d for all mankind. For everyone, for every child, every woman and every man. But not a G-d according to our imagination but a true living G-d who is near to us to help us in times of need. Yet HE is not a wishing-machine where you put your orders in and take out the deliveries. As HE is the ONE and living G-d HE always helps the way HE knows to be the best. And so these ways are far be-yond our understanding. Yet they are true as HE is always true. And even more, HE is near to everybody and HE wants to be connected with us by a very personal relationship. Unbelievable? Yet fully true too.

Please ask someone around you who has made this unique experience of having been saved by HIM. I am by far not the only one. There are many, many more. And if you should not find one, go to your local church or synagogue and ask for assistance to get into a close relation-ship with HIM. Hopefully this hint will be an incentive for you look out for HIM too. HE is the only ONE who can every fragmented human life make sound and whole again. But only if you want HIM to do so. What a change this will be. To be sound and whole again. And so HE is the only ONE to make all the changes in your life come to a good end. But HE never does impose HIMself. You can always do everything only by yourself. But you must not. HE is here, ready to help you. But HE certainly is no play.

HE fully saves you. For time and eternity.

Let every change therefore be a chance for you.

Perhaps you want to know what the name '' of this website means. The explanation you may find here

May HE bless us with all the riches of HIS love and grace.

I know it is sometimes very difficult to open our lives for HIM. We all are more or less caught in our suggestions and imaginations how HE is and who HE is, up to the point many even declare HIM to be non existent. And yet HE IS. In a mighty, unique way. For all of us desiring to know HIM better I am going to publish some considerations and reflections thereto. On this website I will keep you up to date and will in the mean-time offer you some tidbits.

You may read them freely. But I want to ask you not to distribute them further. Instead of course you can recommend others to visit this site and take their portions too.

© Urheberrecht 2024. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. 


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